Vegan Diet: Positive Impact on Skin Health

A plant-based diet is appraised for many factors - a decreased risk of lifestyle problems and hormone imbalance. It’s among the healthy choices that include the consumption of food items that don’t contain any animal products. Since plant-based foods are easily digestible and do not impact the gut much, they are preferred over processed foods and dairy products. Most people are aware of the fact that animal products can influence overall health. However, the secret is that eating them may negatively impact your skin.

You might have heard about those DIYs of skin care products that you can make at home. They often include some veggies and fruits to keep up the skin’s glow. Plus, did you know that your skin is the largest organ of the body? It’s true. And keeping it sound and healthy remains your responsibility.

Experts believe that there is no hard and fast solution to easing skin issues. Because certain vegetables contain vitamin C, polyphenols, and vitamin E; they help manage inflammation of the skin. They may also stimulate structural support of your skin. Mostly, antioxidants are present in all plant-based foods. This makes them suitable for reducing oxidative stress in the body. A vegan diet does not contain any dairy products. And it’s another boon of going vegan. As per a few studies, digesting some kinds of protein derived from milk may cause skin breakdowns and the formation of acne. This is because of the release of IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1), a hormone similar to insulin.

According to a review published in the National Library of Medicine, selective fruits have been linked to a positive impact on the skin.

You may assume that choosing veganism limits the variety of foods you can have. Though it’s not the case. There is a vegan alternative to almost every food item for the required nutrients. In fact, plant-based protein powder is also available to fulfill some nutritional needs.

For example, some of the best vegetarian protein sources (that are vegan too) include tofu, quinoa, almonds, and spirulina.

All in all, choosing vegan and switching to plant-based foods helps decrease the chance of skin problems and keeps you healthy anyway.

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