All you need to know about protein water
We all know about protein powder and shakes, but have you heard about protein water??? And is it safe and necessary?
To answer the question, we need to take a look at how protein works, and how drinking protein water help benefits us when extra boost is required.
What is protein water?
Protein water is pretty hard to get into our head. So, let’s first know what is protein?
Proteins are essential nutrients of human body that composed of amino acids which serves as a building block of tissues and fuel source of energy. Furthermore, our body uses protein to make hormones, enzymes and other essential chemicals.
Protein water simply bottles protein in water (combining protein powder and water). It has become popular in recent year especially for those who prefer keeping protein at every instance with them. Isolate Whey Protein or plant based proteins are the most common protein used in protein water that helps to contribute growth and maintain lean muscle mass, further rehydrates after a grueling workout. It also has some add-on nutrients like vitamin C, D, B6, and B12 for extra boost.
YESSS!!! Protein water is a whole new category of beverage in town…
Are they actually good?
The good news regarding protein water is that it contains high protein, fewer calories and sugar than normal protein powders and shakes especially whey protein powder and shakes. This means that they provides sufficient amount of protein without bulking up those extra calories. Additionally, protein water contributes in weight loss since protein aids in boosting the metabolism by making you full for a longer time. People who are gym and fitness freaks and need a quick boost to their stamina, endurance, and damaged muscles than protein water is a must have as it is an easy way to for all fitness fanatics to nourish their body from ample amount of protein in one go.
Protein water is a pre packed product that is not pocket friendly as compared to other protein sources but is far away from any added chemicals or preservatives, thus making it a safe product for consumption.
In recent years, lots of brands are jumping into the category of protein supplement, and it’ll likely to grow, even faster. There’s even a sparkling version of protein water but according to several researches, sparkling water enriched with protein is actually not good for health as it interacts with digestive system and causes digestive issues such as gas, bloating and constipation, it further damages the liver if not consumed in moderation.
Keep in mind:
Some people are asked to consume less protein than average. They are those individuals with poor kidney functions and kidney disease, as well as those with protein metabolism issues. If are asked to limit or watch your protein intake then you should not consume it. Other than this, be cautious about consuming protein water if you are lactose intolerant (allergic to milk or milk proteins), as many varieties of it are made from whey protein (milk protein).
However, it’s unnecessary to drink it for your protein intake. Instead consume whole and real food that will not only benefit you nutritionally, but also enhances strength, muscle growth and recovery. Regular consumption can be expensive, and some varieties may contain added sugars, more calories, dyes, or flavours.
How to consume it?
You can drink a bottle of protein water anytime during the day for the standard source of protein. If you’re one of those people who are called gym and fitness freaks then sipping on a bottle of protein water through your workout session maintains your energy level till end of session.
It is also a great post workout drink that brings variety to your usual post workout protein powder based shake.
Overall, protein water may not be that harmful, it mostly feels like a gimmicky product that is far expensive from other protein supplements. So, you can have protein water whenever you want – it is convenient and easy to carry…